This file defines serialization and deserialization functions read and write, as well as the print function for all fundamental types and core data structures.

The file also contains the definition and implementation of the core::memory_stream class, which may be used to read/write to an in-memory buffer.


The read, write, and print functions in this library follow a very regular argument structure: The first argument is the object to read/write/print. The second argument is the stream to read from/write to/print to. Most functions also require a third (optional) argument called the scribe, which controls how the subobjects are read/written/printed. The scribe is typically passed to the read/write/print functions when operating on subobjects of the given object.

Calling read/write/print with core::default_scribe will call the same function without the third argument. This largely corresponds to the "default" behavior of those functions.

For example, write(const core::array<T>& a, Stream& out, Writer&&... writer) will call the function write(a[i], out, writer) for every element a[i] in a. This enables users to define their own scribes, and define new ways to read/write/print objects without having to re-implement the read/write/print functions for container structures such as core::array. The following example demonstrates how the behavior of the print function for an array of integers can be altered using a custom scribe.

#include <core/io.h>
using namespace core;

struct my_string_scribe {
    const char* strings[3];

template<typename Stream>
bool print(int i, Stream& out, const my_string_scribe& printer) {
    return print(printer.strings[i], out);

int main() {
    array<int> a = array<int>(8);
    a.add(1); a.add(2); a.add(0);

    print(a, stdout); print(' ', stdout);

    default_scribe def;
    print(a, stdout, def); print(' ', stdout);

    my_string_scribe printer;
    printer.strings[0] = "vici";
    printer.strings[1] = "veni";
    printer.strings[2] = "vidi";

    print(a, stdout, printer);

This example has expected output [1, 2, 0] [1, 2, 0] [veni, vidi, vici].

Classes, functions, and variables in this file
boolread (T & value, FILE * in)
boolread (T * values, FILE * in, SizeType length)
boolwrite (const T & value, FILE * out)
boolwrite (const T * values, FILE * out, SizeType length)
boolprint (const char & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const int & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const long & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const long long & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const unsigned int & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const unsigned long & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const unsigned long long & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const float & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const double & value, FILE * out)
boolprint (const float & value, FILE * out, unsigned int precision)
boolprint (const double & value, FILE * out, unsigned int precision)
boolprint (const char * values, FILE * out)
boolread (T & value, memory_stream & in)
boolread (T * values, memory_stream & in, unsigned int length)
boolwrite (const T & value, memory_stream & out)
boolwrite (const T * values, memory_stream & out, unsigned int length)
size_tfread (void * dst, size_t size, size_t count, memory_stream & in)
size_tfwrite (const void * src, size_t size, size_t n, memory_stream & out)
intfgetpos (const memory_stream & stream, fpos_t * pos)
intfsetpos (memory_stream & stream, const fpos_t * pos)
intfputc (int c, memory_stream & out)
intfputs (const char * s, memory_stream & out)
intfprintf (memory_stream & out, const char * format, ... )
boolprint (const char & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const int & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const long & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const long long & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const unsigned int & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const unsigned long & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const unsigned long long & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const float & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const double & value, memory_stream & out)
boolprint (const float & value, memory_stream & out, unsigned int precision)
boolprint (const double & value, memory_stream & out, unsigned int precision)
boolprint (const char * values, memory_stream & out)
structbuffered_stream< BufferSize, memory_stream >
char32_tfgetc32 (buffered_stream< BufferSize, Stream > & input)
boolread (T & value, fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > & in)
boolread (T * values, fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > & in, SizeType length)
boolwrite (const T & value, fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > & out)
boolwrite (const T * values, fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > & out, SizeType length)
boolwrite (const char * values, Stream & out)
boolread (T & value, Stream & in, default_scribe & scribe)
boolwrite (const T & value, Stream & out, default_scribe & scribe)
autoprint (const T & value, Stream & out, default_scribe & scribe)
boolread (T *& value, Stream & in, const pointer_scribe & scribe, Reader &&... reader)
boolwrite (const T *const value, Stream & out, const pointer_scribe & scribe, Writer &&... writer)
boolprint (const T *const value, Stream & out, const pointer_scribe & scribe, Printer &&... printer)
boolprint (const T * values, SizeType length, Stream & out, Printer &&... printer)
boolprint (const T(&) values[N], Stream & out, Printer &&... printer)
boolread (T * a, Stream & in, SizeType length, Reader &&... reader)
boolread (T(&) a[N], Stream & in, Reader &&... reader)
boolread (array< T > & a, Stream & in, Reader &&... reader)
boolwrite (const T * a, Stream & out, SizeType length, Writer &&... writer)
boolwrite (const T(&) a[N], Stream & out, Writer &&... writer)
boolwrite (const array< T > & a, Stream & out, Writer &&... writer)
boolprint (const array< T > & a, Stream && out, Printer &&... printer)
boolread (hash_set< T > & set, Stream & in, alloc_keys_func alloc_keys, Reader &&... reader)
boolread (hash_set< T > & set, Stream & in, Reader &&... reader)
boolwrite (const hash_set< T > & set, Stream & out, Writer &&... writer)
boolread (hash_map< K, V > & map, Stream & in, alloc_keys_func alloc_keys, KeyReader & key_reader, ValueReader & value_reader)
boolread (hash_map< K, V > & map, Stream & in, KeyReader & key_reader, alloc_keys_func alloc_keys)
boolread (hash_map< K, V > & map, Stream & in, alloc_keys_func alloc_keys)
boolwrite (const hash_map< K, V > & map, Stream & out, KeyWriter & key_writer, ValueWriter & value_writer)
boolwrite (const hash_map< K, V > & map, Stream & out, KeyWriter & key_writer)
boolwrite (const hash_map< K, V > & map, Stream & out)
boolread (array_map< K, V > & map, Stream & in, KeyReader & key_reader, ValueReader & value_reader)
boolread (array_map< K, V > & map, Stream & in, KeyReader & key_reader)
boolread (array_map< K, V > & map, Stream & in)
boolwrite (const array_map< K, V > & map, Stream & out, KeyWriter & key_writer, ValueWriter & value_writer)
boolwrite (const array_map< K, V > & map, Stream & out, KeyWriter & key_writer)
boolwrite (const array_map< K, V > & map, Stream & out)
boolread (pair< K, V > & p, Stream & stream)
boolwrite (const pair< K, V > & p, Stream & stream)
template<typename T>
bool read(
T &value,
FILE *in)
Reads sizeof(T) bytes from in and writes them to the memory referenced by value. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

the stream given by a FILE pointer.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T, typename SizeType>
bool read(
T *values,
FILE *in,
Reads length elements from in and writes them to the native array values. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

the stream given by a FILE pointer.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T>
bool write(
const T &value,
FILE *out)
Writes sizeof(T) bytes to out from the memory referenced by value. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

the stream given by a FILE pointer.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T, typename SizeType>
bool write(
const T *values,
FILE *out,
Writes length elements to out from the native array values. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

the stream given by a FILE pointer.


satisfies is_fundamental.

bool print(
const char &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the character value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const int &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the int value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const long &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the long value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const long long &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the long long value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const unsigned int &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the unsigned int value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const unsigned long &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the unsigned long value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

Prints the unsigned long long value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const float &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the float value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const double &value,
FILE *out)

Prints the double value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

bool print(
const float &value,
FILE *out,
unsigned intprecision)

Prints the float value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out with the given precision.

bool print(
const double &value,
FILE *out,
unsigned intprecision)

Prints the double value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out with the given precision.

bool print(
const char *values,
FILE *out)

Prints the null-terminated C string value to the stream given by the FILE pointer out.

struct is_readable

template<typename T>

This type trait is true_type if and only if the function bool read(integral&, T&) is defined where integral is any integral type.

struct is_writeable

template<typename T>

This type trait is true_type if and only if the function bool fwrite(const integral&, T&) is defined where integral is any integral type.

struct is_printable

template<typename T>

This type trait is true_type if and only if the function bool print(value, T&) is defined.

struct memory_stream

Represents a stream to read/write from an in-memory buffer.

Public members
unsigned intlength
unsigned intposition
char *buffer
memory_stream ()
memory_stream (unsigned int initial_capacity)
memory_stream (const char * buf, unsigned int length)
boolread (void * dst, unsigned int bytes)
boolensure_capacity (unsigned int bytes)
boolwrite (const void * src, unsigned int bytes)
unsigned int memory_stream::length

The size of the stream.

unsigned int memory_stream::position

The current position of the stream in the buffer.

char * memory_stream::buffer

The underlying buffer.


The default constructor does not initialize any fields.

unsigned intinitial_capacity)

Initializes the stream with memory_stream::length given by initial_capacity and memory_stream::position set to 0. memory_stream::buffer is allocated but not initialized to any value.

const char *buf,
unsigned intlength)

Initializes the stream with the memory_stream::buffer given by buf, memory_stream::length given by length, and memory_stream::position set to 0.

bool memory_stream::read(
void *dst,
unsigned intbytes)

Reads a number of bytes given by bytes from the memory_stream and writes them to dst. This function assumes dst has sufficient capacity.

bool memory_stream::ensure_capacity(
unsigned intbytes)

Checks whether the stream has sufficient size for an additional number of bytes given by bytes at its current memory_stream::position. If not, this function attempts to expand the buffer to a new size computed as memory_stream::position + bytes.

bool memory_stream::write(
const void *src,
unsigned intbytes)

Writes a number of bytes given by bytes from the given native array src to the current position in this stream. memory_stream::ensure_capacity is called to ensure the underlying buffer has sufficient size.

template<typename T>
bool read(
T &value,
memory_stream &in)
Reads sizeof(T) bytes from in and writes them to the memory referenced by value. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a memory_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T>
bool read(
T *values,
memory_stream &in,
unsigned intlength)
Reads length elements from in and writes them to the native array values. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a memory_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T>
bool write(
const T &value,
memory_stream &out)
Writes sizeof(T) bytes to out from the memory referenced by value. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a memory_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T>
bool write(
const T *values,
memory_stream &out,
unsigned intlength)
Writes length elements to out from the native array values. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a memory_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

size_t fread(
void *dst,
memory_stream &in)
Reads an array of n elements, each with a size of size bytes, from the memory_stream in, to the memory address referenced by dst.

This function mirrors the equivalent fread for FILE pointer streams.


the number of elements read.

Writes the array of n elements, each with a size of size bytes, from the memory address referenced by src to the memory_stream out.

This function mirrors the equivalent fwrite for FILE pointer streams.


either n if the write is successful, or 0 upon failure.

int fgetpos(
const memory_stream &stream,
fpos_t *pos)
Retrieves the current position in the given memory_stream.

This function mirrors the equivalent fgetpos for FILE pointer streams.


0 on success; nonzero value otherwise.

int fsetpos(
memory_stream &stream,
const fpos_t *pos)
Sets the current position in the given memory_stream.

This function mirrors the equivalent fsetpos for FILE pointer streams.


0 on success; nonzero value otherwise.

Writes the given character c to the memory_stream out.

This function mirrors the equivalent fputc for FILE pointer streams.

Writes the given null-terminated C string s to the memory_stream out.

This function mirrors the equivalent fputs for FILE pointer streams.

int fprintf(
memory_stream &out,
const char *format,
Writes the given arguments according to the format string format to the memory_stream out.

This function mirrors the equivalent fprintf for FILE pointer streams.


the number of bytes written to the stream, or -1 upon error.

Prints the character value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

bool print(
const int &value,
memory_stream &out)

Prints the int value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the long value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the long long value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the unsigned int value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the unsigned long value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the unsigned long long value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the float value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

Prints the double value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

bool print(
const float &value,
memory_stream &out,
unsigned intprecision)

Prints the float value to the stream given by the memory_stream out with the given precision.

bool print(
const double &value,
memory_stream &out,
unsigned intprecision)

Prints the double value to the stream given by the memory_stream out with the given precision.

bool print(
const char *values,
memory_stream &out)

Prints the null-terminated C string value to the stream given by the memory_stream out.

struct buffered_stream

template<unsigned int BufferSize, typename Stream>

A stream wrapper for reading UTF-32 characters from an underlying multibyte stream (such as UTF-8).

Public members
char32_tfgetc32 ()
char32_t buffered_stream::fgetc32()

Returns the next UTF-32 character (as a char32_t) from the stream. If there are no further bytes in the underlying stream or an error occurred, static_cast<char32_t>(-1) is returned.

struct buffered_stream< BufferSize, memory_stream >

template<unsigned int BufferSize>
Public members
char32_tfgetc32 ()
char32_t buffered_stream< BufferSize, memory_stream >::fgetc32()

Returns the next UTF-32 character (as a char32_t) from the stream. If there are no further bytes in the underlying stream or an error occurred, static_cast<char32_t>(-1) is returned.

template<unsigned int BufferSize, typename Stream>
char32_t fgetc32(
buffered_stream< BufferSize, Stream > &input)

Returns the next UTF-32 character (as a char32_t) from the buffered_stream input. If there are no further bytes in the underlying stream or an error occurred, static_cast<char32_t>(-1) is returned.

struct fixed_width_stream

template<typename Stream, typename BoolType, typename CharType, typename UCharType, typename ShortType, typename UShortType, typename IntType, typename UIntType, typename LongType, typename ULongType, typename LongLongType, typename ULongLongType, typename FloatType, typename DoubleType>

A stream wrapper for reading/writing integral types as fixed-width integral values. This is useful for cross-platform readability and writeability.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Args>
bool read(
T &value,
fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > &in)
Reads size(K) bytes from in where K is the appropriate template argument in the fixed_width_stream and writes them to the memory referenced by value. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a fixed_width_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename SizeType, typename... Args>
bool read(
T *values,
fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > &in,
Reads length elements from in and writes them to the native array values. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a fixed_width_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Args>
bool write(
const T &value,
fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > &out)
Writes sizeof(K) bytes to out from the memory referenced by value where K is the appropriate template argument in the fixed_width_stream. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a fixed_width_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename SizeType, typename... Args>
bool write(
const T *values,
fixed_width_stream< Stream, Args... > &out,
Writes length elements to out from the native array values. This function does not perform endianness transformations.

a fixed_width_stream.


satisfies is_fundamental.

template<typename Stream>
bool write(
const char *values,
Stream &out)
Writes the given null-terminated C string values to the stream out.

satisfies is_writeable.

struct default_scribe

The default scribe implementation that provides the default behavior for read/write/print functions.


Section on scribes.

template<typename T, typename Stream>
bool read(
T &value,
Stream &in,
default_scribe &scribe)
Calls and returns read(value, in), dropping the default_scribe argument.

satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, typename Stream>
bool write(
const T &value,
Stream &out,
default_scribe &scribe)
Calls and returns write(value, out), dropping the default_scribe argument.

satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename T, typename Stream>
auto print(
const T &value,
Stream &out,
default_scribe &scribe)
Calls and returns print(value, out), dropping the default_scribe argument.

satisfies is_printable.

struct pointer_scribe

A scribe that prints pointers by dereferencing the pointer and calling the appropriate read/write/print function.


Section on scribes.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Reader>
bool read(
T *&value,
Stream &in,
const pointer_scribe &scribe,
Reader &&...reader)
Allocates memory and stores the address in value, and then calls read(*value, in, reader), dropping the pointer_scribe argument. Note that since reader is a variadic argument, it may be empty.

satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Writer>
bool write(
const T *constvalue,
Stream &out,
const pointer_scribe &scribe,
Writer &&...writer)
Calls and returns write(*value, out, writer), dropping the pointer_scribe argument. Note that since writer is a variadic argument, it may be empty.

satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Printer>
bool print(
const T *constvalue,
Stream &out,
const pointer_scribe &scribe,
Printer &&...printer)
Calls and returns print(*value, out, printer), dropping the pointer_scribe argument. Note that since printer is a variadic argument, it may be empty.

satisfies is_printable.

char default_left_bracket = "["

The default left delimitter "[" for the array print functions.

char default_right_bracket = "]"

The default right delimitter "]" for the array print functions.

char default_array_separator = ", "

The default separator between elements ", " for the array print functions.

template<typename T, const char * LeftBracket = default_left_bracket, const char * RightBracket = default_right_bracket, char const * Separator = default_array_separator, typename SizeType, typename Stream, typename... Printer>
bool print(
const T *values,
Stream &out,
Printer &&...printer)
Prints the given native array of values each of type T, where length is the number of elements in the array. The output stream is out.

a scribe for which the function bool print(const T&, Stream&, Printer&) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_printable.

template<typename T, size_t N, const char * LeftBracket = default_left_bracket, const char * RightBracket = default_right_bracket, char const * Separator = default_array_separator, typename Stream, typename... Printer>
bool print(
const T(&)values[N],
Stream &out,
Printer &&...printer)
Prints the given native static array of values each of type T, where N is the number of elements in the array. The output stream is out.

a scribe for which the function bool print(const T&, Stream&, Printer&) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_printable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename SizeType, typename... Reader>
bool read(
T *a,
Stream &in,
Reader &&...reader)
Reads an array of length elements from in and stores the result in the given native array a. This function assumes a has sufficient capacity.

a scribe for which the function bool read(T&, Stream&, Reader&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, size_t N, typename Stream, typename... Reader>
bool read(
Stream &in,
Reader &&...reader)
Reads an array of N elements from in and stores the result in the given native array a.

a scribe for which the function bool read(T&, Stream&, Reader&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Reader>
bool read(
array< T > &a,
Stream &in,
Reader &&...reader)
Reads a core::array structure from in and stores the result in a.

an uninitialized core::array structure. This function initializes a, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a scribe for which the function bool read(T&, Stream&, Reader&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename SizeType, typename... Writer>
bool write(
const T *a,
Stream &out,
Writer &&...writer)
Writes the given native array a of elements to out, each of type T, where the number of elements is given by length.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const T&, Stream&, Writer&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename T, size_t N, typename Stream, typename... Writer>
bool write(
const T(&)a[N],
Stream &out,
Writer &&...writer)
Writes the given native array a of elements to out, each of type T, where the number of elements is given by N.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const T&, Stream&, Writer&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Writer>
bool write(
const array< T > &a,
Stream &out,
Writer &&...writer)
Writes the given core::array structure a of elements to out, each of type T.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const T&, Stream&, Writer&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename T, char const * LeftBracket = default_left_bracket, char const * RightBracket = default_right_bracket, char const * Separator = default_array_separator, typename Stream, typename... Printer>
bool print(
const array< T > &a,
Stream &&out,
Printer &&...printer)
Prints the given core::array structure a of elements to out, each of type T.

a scribe for which the function bool print(const T&, Stream&, Printer&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_printable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Reader>
bool read(
hash_set< T > &set,
Stream &in,
Reader &&...reader)
Reads a core::hash_set structure set from in.

an uninitialized core::hash_set structure. This function initializes set, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a memory allocation function with prototype void* alloc_keys(size_t count, size_t size) that allocates space for count items, each with size size, and initializes them such that core::is_empty() returns true for each element.


a scribe for which the function bool read(T&, Stream&, Reader&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Reader>
bool read(
hash_set< T > &set,
Stream &in,
Reader &&...reader)
Reads a core::hash_set structure set from in. The keys in the hash_set are allocated using calloc.

an uninitialized core::hash_set structure. This function initializes set, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a scribe for which the function bool read(T&, Stream&, Reader&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename T, typename Stream, typename... Writer>
bool write(
const hash_set< T > &set,
Stream &out,
Writer &&...writer)
Writes the given core::hash_set structure set to out.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const T&, Stream&, Writer&&...) is defined. Note that since this is a variadic argument, it may be empty.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyReader, typename ValueReader>
bool read(
hash_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &in,
KeyReader &key_reader,
ValueReader &value_reader)
Reads a core::hash_map structure map from in.

an uninitialized core::hash_map structure. This function initializes map, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a memory allocation function with prototype void* alloc_keys(size_t count, size_t size) that allocates space for count items, each with size size, and initializes them such that core::is_empty() returns true for each element of type K.


a scribe for which the function bool read(K&, Stream&, KeyReader&) is defined.


a scribe for which the function bool read(V&, Stream&, ValueReader&) is defined.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyReader>
bool read(
hash_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &in,
KeyReader &key_reader,
Reads a core::hash_map structure map from in.

an uninitialized core::hash_map structure. This function initializes map, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a memory allocation function with prototype void* alloc_keys(size_t count, size_t size) that allocates space for count items, each with size size, and initializes them such that core::is_empty() returns true for each element of type K.


a scribe for which the function bool read(K&, Stream&, KeyReader&) is defined.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream>
bool read(
hash_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &in,
Reads a core::hash_map structure map from in.

an uninitialized core::hash_map structure. This function initializes map, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a memory allocation function with prototype void* alloc_keys(size_t count, size_t size) that allocates space for count items, each with size size, and initializes them such that core::is_empty() returns true for each element of type K.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyWriter, typename ValueWriter>
bool write(
const hash_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &out,
KeyWriter &key_writer,
ValueWriter &value_writer)
Writes the core::hash_map structure map to out.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const K&, Stream&, KeyWriter&) is defined.


a scribe for which the function bool write(const V&, Stream&, ValueWriter&) is defined.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyWriter>
bool write(
const hash_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &out,
KeyWriter &key_writer)
Writes the core::hash_map structure map to out.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const K&, Stream&, KeyWriter&) is defined.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream>
bool write(
const hash_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &out)
Writes the core::hash_map structure map to out.

satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyReader, typename ValueReader>
bool read(
array_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &in,
KeyReader &key_reader,
ValueReader &value_reader)
Reads a core::array_map structure map from in.

an uninitialized core::array_map structure. This function initializes map, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a scribe for which the function bool read(K&, Stream&, KeyReader&) is defined.


a scribe for which the function bool read(V&, Stream&, ValueReader&) is defined.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyReader>
bool read(
array_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &in,
KeyReader &key_reader)
Reads a core::array_map structure map from in.

an uninitialized core::array_map structure. This function initializes map, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


a scribe for which the function bool read(K&, Stream&, KeyReader&) is defined.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream>
bool read(
array_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &in)
Reads a core::array_map structure map from in.

an uninitialized core::array_map structure. This function initializes map, and the caller is responsible for its memory and must call free to release its memory resources.


satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyWriter, typename ValueWriter>
bool write(
const array_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &out,
KeyWriter &key_writer,
ValueWriter &value_writer)
Writes the given core::array_map structure map to out.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const K&, Stream&, KeyWriter&) is defined.


a scribe for which the function bool write(const V&, Stream&, ValueWriter&) is defined.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream, typename KeyWriter>
bool write(
const array_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &out,
KeyWriter &key_writer)
Writes the given core::array_map structure map to out.

a scribe for which the function bool write(const K&, Stream&, KeyWriter&) is defined.


satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream>
bool write(
const array_map< K, V > &map,
Stream &out)
Writes the given core::array_map structure map to out.

satisfies is_writeable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream>
bool read(
pair< K, V > &p,
Stream &stream)
Reads a core::pair structure p from stream by calling read(p.key, stream) and read(p.value, stream).

satisfies is_readable.

template<typename K, typename V, typename Stream>
bool write(
const pair< K, V > &p,
Stream &stream)
Writes the given core::pair structure p to stream by calling write(p.key, stream) and write(p.value, stream).

satisfies is_writeable.