
This file contains structures for representing sets of discrete features, where each feature_set has n features, and each feature is of type unsigned int.

Classes, functions, and variables in this file
boolinit (feature_set & set, unsigned int feature_count)
boolinit (feature_set & set, const feature_set & src)
booloperator == (const feature_set & first, const feature_set & second)
boolless_than (const FeatureSet & first, const FeatureSet & second, const feature_set_sorter & sorter)
boolinit (weighted_feature_set< V > & set, unsigned int feature_count)
boolinit (weighted_feature_set< V > & set, const feature_set & src, V log_probability)
booloperator < (const weighted_feature_set< V > & first, const weighted_feature_set< V > & second)
doublelog_probability (const weighted_feature_set< V > & set)

struct feature_set

This struct represents a sequence of features, with length feature_set::feature_count, each feature having type unsigned int.

Public members
unsigned int *features
unsigned intfeature_count
unsigned int **excluded
unsigned int *excluded_counts
feature_set (unsigned int feature_count)
feature_set (const feature_set & src)
unsigned intoperator [] (unsigned int index) const
unsigned int &operator [] (unsigned int index)
voidset_feature (unsigned int index, unsigned int value)
boolis_excluded (unsigned int index, unsigned int value) const
boolensure_excluded_capacity (unsigned int index, unsigned int capacity)
boolset_excluded (unsigned int index, const unsigned int * src, unsigned int count)
voidexclude_unsorted (unsigned int index, unsigned int item)
voidsort_excluded (unsigned int index)
static unsigned inthash (const feature_set & set)
static voidmove (const feature_set & src, feature_set & dst)
static voidswap (feature_set & first, feature_set & second)
static boolis_empty (const feature_set & set)
static voidset_empty (feature_set & set)
static voidset_empty (feature_set * sets, unsigned int length)
static voidfree (feature_set & set)
unsigned int * feature_set::features

The native array that stores the feature values.

unsigned int feature_set::feature_count

The number of features and the length of feature_set::features, feature_set::excluded_counts, and the first dimension of feature_set::excluded.

unsigned int ** feature_set::excluded

A two-dimensional array containing excluded feature values. That is, excluded[i] contains the set of excluded feature values for the feature at index i. Each excluded[i] is a sorted array of unsigned int feature values containing distinct elements. The length of excluded[i] is given by feature_set::excluded_counts[i]. For each j such that feature_set::excluded_counts[j] == 0, excluded[j] is NULL.

unsigned int * feature_set::excluded_counts

An array that stores the length of each feature_set::excluded[i].

unsigned intfeature_count)

Initializes this feature set with the given feature_count. Each element in feature_set::features is uninitialized, whereas feature_set::excluded_counts is initialized to all zeros.

const feature_set &src)

Initializes this feature set by copying from the given feature_set src.

unsigned int feature_set::operator [] (
unsigned intindex) const

Returns the feature value at the given index.

unsigned int & feature_set::operator [] (
unsigned intindex)

Returns the feature value at the given index.

void feature_set::set_feature(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intvalue)

Sets the feature value at the given index.

bool feature_set::is_excluded(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intvalue) const

Returns true if the given feature value is excluded from the feature at the given index. Otherwise, this function returns false.

bool feature_set::ensure_excluded_capacity(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intcapacity)

Checks that the excluded array at feature_set::excluded[index] has sufficient capacity. If that array is NULL, this function will initialize it (leaving its elements uninitialized).

bool feature_set::set_excluded(
unsigned intindex,
const unsigned int *src,
unsigned intcount)

Initializes the excluded array at feature_set::excluded[index] and copies the contents from src. This function assumes feature_set::excluded[index] is previously uninitialized.

void feature_set::exclude_unsorted(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intitem)

Excludes the given item from the feature at the given index, without sorting the excluded array feature_set::excluded[index]. feature_set::excluded_counts[index] is also incremented. This function assumes the excluded array does not already contain item and has sufficient capacity.

void feature_set::sort_excluded(
unsigned intindex)

Sorts the excluded array at feature_set::excluded[index]. This function assumes the excluded array is not NULL.

static unsigned int feature_set::hash(
const feature_set &set)

Evaluates the hash function for the given feature_set set.

static void feature_set::move(
const feature_set &src,
feature_set &dst)

Moves the feature_set in src to dst. Note that this function does not initialize the fields in dst and copy the contents from the corresponding fields in src into dst. Rather, this function simply copies the pointers.

static void feature_set::swap(
feature_set &first,
feature_set &second)

Swaps the underlying pointers in the feature_sets src and dst.

static bool feature_set::is_empty(
const feature_set &set)

Returns whether feature_set::features is NULL in the given set.

static void feature_set::set_empty(
feature_set &set)

Sets feature_set::features to NULL in the given set.

static void feature_set::set_empty(
feature_set *sets,
unsigned intlength)

Sets feature_set::features to NULL in every element of the given array sets.

static void feature_set::free(
feature_set &set)

Frees the underlying arrays in the given feature_set set.

bool init(
feature_set &set,
unsigned intfeature_count)

Initializes the given feature_set set with the given feature_count. Each element in feature_set::features is uninitialized, whereas feature_set::excluded_counts is initialized to all zeros.

Initializes the given feature_set set by copying from the given feature_set src.

bool operator == (
const feature_set &first,
const feature_set &second)

Returns whether the feature_set in first is equivalent to the one in second. For equivalence, the feature sets must have the same sequence of features, as well as the same set of excluded features at every index.

struct feature_set_sorter

A sorter for feature sets that enables lexicographical sorting according to the sequence of feature values.

Public members
feature_set_sorter (unsigned int depth)
unsigned intdepth)

Initializes the feature_set_sorter with the given depth. This feature_set_sorter sorts feature set objects that have length depth - 1.

template<typename FeatureSet>
bool less_than(
const FeatureSet &first,
const FeatureSet &second,
const feature_set_sorter &sorter)
Compares the given feature set objects first and second using the feature_set_sorter sorter.

a feature set type that implements the function T get_feature(unsigned int) where T is any type that satisfies LessThanComparable.

struct weighted_feature_set

template<typename V>
This structure represents a feature_set weighted by a numerical value, such as a probability.

satisfies is_arithmetic.

Public members
unsigned intget_feature (unsigned int index) const
voidset_feature (unsigned int index, unsigned int feature)
boolensure_excluded_capacity (unsigned int index, unsigned int capacity)
boolset_excluded (unsigned int index, const unsigned int * src, unsigned int count)
voidexclude_unsorted (unsigned int index, unsigned int item)
voidsort_excluded (unsigned int index)
Vget_probability () const
voidset_probability (V probability)
static voidmove (const weighted_feature_set< V > & src, weighted_feature_set< V > & dst)
static voidswap (weighted_feature_set< V > & first, weighted_feature_set< V > & second)
static voidfree (weighted_feature_set< V > & set)
feature_set weighted_feature_set::features

The underlying feature_set.

V weighted_feature_set::log_probability
unsigned int weighted_feature_set::get_feature(
unsigned intindex) const

Returns the feature value at the given index.

void weighted_feature_set::set_feature(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intfeature)

Sets the feature value at the given index to feature.

bool weighted_feature_set::ensure_excluded_capacity(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intcapacity)

Checks that the excluded array at feature_set::excluded[index] in weighted_feature_set::features has sufficient capacity. If that array is NULL, this function will initialize it (leaving its elements uninitialized).

bool weighted_feature_set::set_excluded(
unsigned intindex,
const unsigned int *src,
unsigned intcount)

Initializes the excluded array at feature_set::excluded[index] in weighted_feature_set::features and copies the contents from src. This function assumes feature_set::excluded[index] is previously uninitialized.

void weighted_feature_set::exclude_unsorted(
unsigned intindex,
unsigned intitem)

Excludes the given item from the feature at the given index, without sorting the excluded array feature_set::excluded[index] in weighted_feature_set::features. feature_set::excluded_counts[index] is also incremented. This function assumes the excluded array does not already contain item and has sufficient capacity.

void weighted_feature_set::sort_excluded(
unsigned intindex)

Sorts the excluded array at feature_set::excluded[index] in weighted_feature_set::features. This function assumes the excluded array is not NULL.

V weighted_feature_set::get_probability()

Returns the natural exponent of the weight weighted_feature_set::log_probability.

void weighted_feature_set::set_probability(

Sets the weight weighted_feature_set::log_probability to the natural logarithm of the given probability.

static void weighted_feature_set::move(
const weighted_feature_set< V > &src,
weighted_feature_set< V > &dst)

Moves the given weighted_feature_set in src into dst.

static void weighted_feature_set::swap(
weighted_feature_set< V > &first,
weighted_feature_set< V > &second)

Swaps the weighted_feature_set structures in first and second.

static void weighted_feature_set::free(
weighted_feature_set< V > &set)

Frees the given weighted_feature_set set.

template<typename V>
bool init(
weighted_feature_set< V > &set,
unsigned intfeature_count)

Initializes the given weighted_feature_set set with the given feature_count. Each element in feature_set::features in weighted_feature_set::features is uninitialized, whereas feature_set::excluded_counts is initialized to all zeros. The weight weighted_feature_set::log_probability is uninitialized.

template<typename V>
bool init(
weighted_feature_set< V > &set,
const feature_set &src,

Initializes the given weighted_feature_set set with the given feature_set src and weight log_probability.

template<typename V>
bool operator < (
const weighted_feature_set< V > &first,
const weighted_feature_set< V > &second)

Returns whether weighted_feature_set::log_probability of first is greater than that of second.

template<typename V>
double log_probability(
const weighted_feature_set< V > &set)

Returns the weight weighted_feature_set::log_probability of set.